SAB Drainage Design

We are Welsh Based SAB Drainage Design Consultants helping developers in Wales.

"We are a specialist Welsh Based SAB Drainage Design Consultancy practice."

SAB Drainage Design and Application Service for Developers

SAB Drainage Deisgn and approvals have been a statutory requirement in Wales since 2019.  This means that all development, with an area greater than 100m2, will require a SAB Approval.  Compliance with the full range of published standards are mandatory, regardless of any planning approvals or conditions set by the LPA.

CES Consulting can support you, through the SAB application process from strategy, design through to application and approval.  We have been helping Developers, Architects and Planning Consultants gain SAB approvals since 2019 and have a 100% sucess rate.

All Surface Water Drainage for applicable development must be designed and built in accordance with Statutory SuDS Standards published by Welsh Ministers.  SAB/SuDS schemes must be approved by the SuDS Approving Body (SAB), before construction work begins.  

The application process can often take more than seven weeks and early engagement is highly recommended.

Drainage Design Approach

Core principles under the new arrangements as contained within the amended Flood and Water Management Act 2010 are:

SAB Drainage Design

CES can advise on the best form of SuDS/SAB strategy on a development by development basis.

Please call us on 01341 421911, Email us or use the contact form and we will get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Full SAB drainage design and Application service to comply with Welsh SAB legislation.