Foul Drainage Design Services for Developments
CES Consulting provide Foul Drainage Design services for Developers, Architects and Planning Consultants. We can support your development through the planning, detailed design and development phases.
We have years of experience in drainage design for both private or adoptable systems in England, Wales and Scotland. Our designs are fully compliant with Sewage Sector Guidance and water authority requirements. We can also advise you on the best sewerage treatment options/systems for small or larger developments as necessary.
Our detailed design will be specific to your site. When considering your specific drainage needs, we will consider a variety of drainage methods, for example;
- Designing pipe sizes and layouts.
- Connection to private or public systems.
- Pumping Stations.
- Septic Tanks.
- Package Treatment Plants.

Our design capability.
We use the latest MicroDrainage advanced drainage design software, which optimises the performance and effectiveness of drainage systems. Our designs take into account the cost of providing the drainage on site. We optimise manhole and pipwork layouts to provide you with the most cost effective solution for your development.
CES can also design SuDS drainage for either private or adoptable systems which are fully compliant Local Authority requirements. We can also undertake site surveys to check connectivity of existing drainage systems.
Please call us on 01341 421911, Email us or use the contact form and we will get in touch to discuss your requirements.
Site specific foul drainage designed for any development area in the UK.
- Private and/or Public drainage system design
- Small extensions through to large developments
- S104/106 applications
- Free initial review