"We are a specialist Drainage Design Civil Engineering Consultancy practice operating nationally within the United Kingdom."
Drainage Strategy Reporting
Civil Engineering Solutions can prepare detailed drainage strategy reports to inform development and support planning applications.
We can provide site and development specific drainage strategy reporting to include:
- Purchase of a British Geological Survey infiltration potential report.
- Purchase of rainfall catchment descriptors.
- Purchase/Acquisition of OS site mapping.
- Assessment of greenfield/brownfield run off rates for the development site.
- Review of LiDAR ground levels at the site, where available.
- Assessment of flood map data.
- Review of development proposals with respect to sustainable surface water drainage options.
- Review of foul drainage requirements.
- Schematic foul and surface water drainage layout with attenuation/discharge rates.
- Summary of how the statutory standards for sustainable drainage systems are to be met for the development site.
Drainage Strategy Reports are usually a desktop study/review, which helps to keep costs to a minimum. We have been preparing drainage strategy reports since 2006 and have extensive experience in providing the right level of detail to support your development.
Please call us on 01341 421911, Email us or use the contact form and we will get in touch to discuss your requirements.
Detailed drainge strategy reporting to identify the best and most cost effecting drainage systems for your proposed development site.
- Full review of drainage options serving your proposed development
- Reports to support planning applications
- Free initial review