BRE365 Testing for Percolation Rates and Soakaway or SuDS Design
We provide UK wide site BRE365 Testing and the calculation of percolation rates to design suitable soakaways.
Our service will provide you with the information you require to assess if soakaways are suitable for the ground conditions found at your development site.
Rainwater harvesting must be considered in the first instance but it is often discounted on cost and technical grounds. Especially for smaller developments. We would always encorage the use of water butts wherever possible as they are a low cost and effective means of capturing valuable water for reuse.
Soakaways are always required to be considered as the next method of disposal of surface water. This is where BRE365 testing is required to check if the ground conditions at your development site are suitable for the use of soakaways. If so, the speed at which water can pass into the ground is needed to properly design the soakaway size and configuration.
Sometimes our clients already have this information, which is really useful. More often than not however, the percolation tests have not been undertaken.

Percolation test Options
The tests themselves have to comply with the BRE365 Digest (2016) but are quite simple to undertake. We can advise you how such tests are to be carried out or can visit site to supervse the tests on your behalf. Either way we will provide you with a set of calculations, which will help move your development forward.
Please call us on 01341 421911, Email us or use the contact form and we will get in touch to discuss your requirements.
We can offer a full percolation test and soakaway/infiltration design strategy for your development site. We offer three levels of procolation test services.
- Site visits, excavate test pits, testing and reporting
- Site visit, client excavates test pits, supervise tests and reporting
- Review client test data and reporting